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Sunday School News - March 2025

Dr. Jane Brasko Kelly

Hello Sunday School Students and Families,


Below is the Sunday School class schedule for March 2025:


  • March 2 Worship and Classes-Forgiveness/ Cheesefare Sunday, Spark Sunday

    Remind students to bring Icons for procession next week

  • March 3 First day of Great LentMarch 7 First Salutations, Flowers presented by Sunday School students

  • March 9 Worship and Classes, Sunday of Orthodoxy, Procession with Icons

  • March 14  Second Salutations, Flowers presented by Sunday School students

  • March 16 Worship and Classes, Sunday of St Gregory Palamas

  • March 21 Third Salutations, Flowers presented by Sunday School students

  • March 23 Worship and Classes, Sunday of the Holy Cross

  • March  28 Fourth Salutations, Flowers presented by Sunday School students

  • March 30 Worship and Classes, Sunday of St John Climacus


Monastery Trip

We have an incredible opportunity to share with you that you won’t want to miss! On Saturday, March 1st, we’re inviting all Sunday School families to join us for a truly miraculous experience: a trip to St. George Church in Taylor, Pennsylvania, to venerate the Kardiotissa weeping icon, followed by a visit to the peaceful Holy Protection Monastery in White Haven, Pennsylvania.

This icon of the Panagia has cured cancer, addiction, depression, illness, and anxiety and even converted people with her miracles. She has been streaming myrrh for over 10 years! This is more than just a trip; it’s a chance to witness the beauty of faith in action, to encounter a living miracle, and to create lasting memories with your loved ones. We would love for our Sunday School families to join us on this spiritual journey. It’s an amazing way to enter the period of Fasting and Repentance that begins 2 days later, on March 3, 2025. And, there is no cost to you for this trip!


Take a look at the itinerary below for a preview of the amazing day ahead:

  • 9:00 am - Saturday of the Souls liturgy at St. Luke

  • 10:15 am - Depart Saint Luke for St. George, Taylor, PA

  • 12:00 pm - Arrive at St. George

  • 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm - Venerate the Kardiotissa and spend time with Father Marc

  • 2:30 pm - Arrive at Holy Protection Monastery

  • 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm - Enjoy lunch with the Sisters, tour the property, time permitting, and visit the bookshop

  • 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm - Vespers at Holy Protection Monastery

  • 5:30 pm - Depart for Saint Luke

  • 7:00 pm - Return to Saint Luke


Deadline to register: Saturday, February 22, 2025


Don’t miss out on this extraordinary experience! For more details, please see the flyer  elsewhere in the Epistle, along with the registration form. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at


Lenten/Holy Week Workbook and Letter

We will be entering Great Lent on Monday, March 3, 2025. To assist you and your family with Lenten devotions and the schedule of services, we are providing the following resources: 1) a Lenten Workbook and, 2) a copy of the 2025 Lenten letter containing the schedule of Lenten services and 2 forms to be completed (both available online at The first form is for all young ladies, in grades 3 through 6, who would like to serve on Holy Friday as Myrrh-bearers, while the second form is for our annual Holy Friday Helpers Retreat that takes place each year on Holy Friday. The program on Holy Friday will begin at 11 a.m., or immediately following Royal Hours in the morning.  Students will start the morning by helping to prepare different parts of the Epitaphion, followed by crafts, activities, and a Lenten lunch. While our little ones are having fun with their crafts and activities, our GOYA-aged students will help prepare the Anastasi candles in the Narthex. The retreat will close with students having a discussion with Father Christ. Students will end the day at approximately 2:00 p.m., and all are welcome, especially our young ladies who will serve as Myrrh-bearers at the 3 PM Holy Friday service, to remain at church after the retreat. Our Myrrh-bearers must be in church by 2:30 pm for practice. If you require further information about the Holy Friday retreat or serving as a Myrrh-bearer, please contact our Sunday School Directors at, or visit


Psalm Readers for Salutation Services

Great Lent begins on Monday, March 3, 2025. Therefore, the Salutations to the Theotokos begin on Friday, March 7, 2025. We are very happy to offer our Sunday School students the opportunity to read Psalms 50, 69, and/or 142 at the very beginning of each of the 5 weekly Lenten Salutation Services.  The dates are Friday, March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 2025.  We will send you the readings in advance so that your child can prepare to read aloud in church on their chosen Friday. This is a meaningful Lenten offering to the Panagia and to our St. Luke community that will greatly enhance your child’s Lenten journey. To sign up your child, please go to: Thank you and your families for participating in this joyful Lenten tradition.


Parent Volunteers for Lazarus Saturday/Palm Folding and Holy Friday Retreat

We are looking for Sunday School family volunteers who can aid in the set up, clean up, and running of the activities on Lazarus Saturday (April 12) and the Holy Friday Retreat (April 18). No previous experience required, just a willingness to serve our St. Luke community at this very holy time of year! Sunday School will provide all of the materials and ideas, but we need day-of volunteers to help with the activities. More details to follow. Please contact our Directors at for more information or to volunteer!


Readers for Divine Liturgy

Please encourage your children to volunteer to read the Epistle or the Communion Prayer during Divine Liturgy. This is a great way for your child to become involved in the worship of our faith. We will send you the reading(s) ahead of time so that your child can practice and become comfortable with the texts beforehand. Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for church on the day when he or she is scheduled to read- modestly and respectfully, as is common for all weekly services,  a special Feast Day, or when celebrating a Holy Sacrament of the church. For example, athletic or workout clothes would not be appropriate for a reader to wear while leading the congregation in prayer or a reading from the Holy Bible. To volunteer your child, or to ask a question, please contact our Sunday School Directors at


Questions about Sunday School?

Please contact our Sunday School Directors at Or, visit, which will be updated throughout the year with additional information and resources for families.

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