Hello Sunday School Students and Families,
Below is the Sunday School class schedule for March through Pascha in mid-April 2023:
March 3 First Salutations, Flowers presented by Sunday School students
March 5 Worship and Classes, Sunday of Orthodoxy
March 10 Second Salutations, Flowers presented by the Sunday School students
March 12 Godparents Sunday - No Classes, Sunday of St Gregory Palamas
March 17 Third Salutations, Flowers presented by the Sunday School students
March 19 Worship and Classes, Sunday of the Holy Cross
March 24 Fourth Salutations, Flowers presented by Sunday School students
March 26 Worship and Classes, St John Climacus
March 31 Fifth Salutations Flowers presented by Sunday School students
April 2 Worship and Classes, Sunday of St Mary of Egypt
April 8 Saturday of Lazarus, Palm folding by all Sunday School students in Education Building
April 9 Worship and Classes, Palm Sunday
April 14 Good Friday Retreat: Helpers 11 AM; Apokathelosis Service, 3 PM, Myrrh bearers report at 2:30 PM
April 16 EASTER SUNDAY: FAMILY WORSHIP SUNDAY. AGAPE SERVICE 11 AM. Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service.
Flowers for Salutation Services
We thank all those who have so kindly volunteered to donate flowers for the weekly Lenten Salutations services (March 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2023 at 6 p.m.). The bouquets should arrive at church before the service begins, and can be left in the front pew, to the left of the middle aisle, unless Sunday School teachers Marilena Ristas and Thomas Ristas are already in church to receive them. To check on the date of your donation, please go to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094BAEAA2CA7F8CE9-flowers. Thank you for your support of this lovely tradition for our Sunday School families. May you be strengthened by this giving opportunity during your Lenten journey!
Psalm Readers for Salutation Services
We would like to have 1 to 3 Sunday School children read Psalms 50, 69, and 142 at the very beginning of each Salutation service to the Panagia on the 5 Fridays of March (see dates on calendar above). If your family will be donating flowers for the service, perhaps you have a child or children who would be willing to read these beautiful prayers from the Old Testament. This is an excellent way to get your entire family into the true spirit of Lent. We will send you the reading(s) ahead of time so that your child can practice and become comfortable with the texts beforehand. Children must be in church 5 to 10 minutes before the beginning of the service (so at 5:50 or 5:55 p.m.) as the Psalms are read shortly after the service begins at 6 p.m. Please contact Miss Jane and Miss Sophia at stlukesundayschool@gmail.com to volunteer your child and to receive the Psalm readings.
Godparents Sunday
On Sunday, March 12, 2023, we will honor the godparents of our St. Luke community with special prayers and blessings during the Divine Liturgy. There will be no Sunday School classes held that day, permitting our children to remain in church with their godparent(s) and families. What a wonderful way for godparents and godchildren to reconnect and recommit to one another, especially during Great Lent!
First Confessions for Second, Third and Fourth Graders
On Sunday, March 26, 2023, Father Christ will offer the Sacrament of Confession to all interested second, third and fourth grade Sunday School students. On that Sunday, while one of the chanters reads the Encyclical from the Archbishop on the occasion of Greek Independence Day and the Feast of the Annunciation, Father will proceed to the Education Building during the Sunday School period to spend important time with the children. Between now and March 26, the second and third grade teachers, Miss Eleni and Miss Sophia, will be preparing your children for this blessed sacrament. In addition, our fourth grade teacher, Miss Marina, will be reminding her class of what they have previously learned so that her students will be ready to meet with Fr. Christ as well. So, we look forward to seeing the 2nd through 4th grade children in class every Sunday, but, most especially, on March 26! Please RSVP to Miss Sophia and Miss Jane at stlukesundayschool@gmail.com to let us know if your child/children will be partaking of this sacrament with Father. It would be very helpful for Father to know how many children to expect on March 26. In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns!
Lenten/Holy Week Workbook and Letter
By the time you read this, we will have entered into Great Lent on Monday, February 27, 2023. To assist you and your family with Lenten devotions and the schedule of services, we have provided: 1) a Lenten Workbook, available online at https://www.ss.st-luke.org/lent; and, 2) in the monthly Epistle, a copy of the 2023 Lenten letter containing the schedule of Lenten services and 2 forms to be filled out. The first form is to be filled out for all young ladies, in grades 3 through 6, who would like to serve on Holy Friday as Myrrh-bearers, while the second form is for our annual Holy Friday Retreat that takes place each year on Holy Friday. The program on Holy Friday will begin at 11 AM, or immediately following the morning service. Students will participate in some crafts and activities and share a Lenten lunch. The day will end with students having a discussion with Father Christ. Students will finish the day at approximately 1:30 PM, and all are welcome, especially our young ladies who will serve as Myrrh-bearers at the 3 PM Holy Friday service, to remain at church after the retreat is over. For further information about the Holy Friday retreat or serving as a Myrrh-bearer, please contact Miss Jane and Miss Sophia at stlukesundayschool@gmail.com, or visit https://www.ss.st-luke.org/lent.
Parent Volunteers for Lazarus Saturday/Palm Folding and Holy Friday Retreat
We are looking for Sunday School family volunteers who can act as “Special Event Coordinators and Helpers”, specifically to lead and aid in the set up, clean up, and running of the activities on Lazarus Saturday (April 8) and the Holy Friday Retreat (April 14). No previous experience required, just a willingness to serve our St. Luke community at this very holy time of year! Miss Jane and Miss Sophia will provide all of the materials and ideas, but we need a “day-of” coordinator to spearhead the events of each of those days, as well as volunteers to help with the activities. More details to follow. Please contact Miss Sophia and Miss Jane at stlukesundayschool@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer!
Readers for Divine Liturgy
Please encourage your children to volunteer to read the Epistle or the Communion Prayer during Divine Liturgy. This is a great way for your child to become involved in the worship of our faith. We will send you the reading(s) ahead of time so that your child can practice and become comfortable with the texts beforehand. To volunteer your child, please contact Miss Sophia and Miss Jane at stlukesundayschool@gmail.com.
Assistant Teachers and Subs for Sunday School
Please contact Miss Sophia and Miss Jane at stlukesundayschool@gmail.com to volunteer your time and talent as an assistant teacher or substitute for our Sunday School classes.
Questions about Sunday School? Please contact Miss Jane and Miss Sophia at stlukesundayschool@gmail.com. Or, visit https://www.ss.st-luke.org, which will be updated throughout the year with additional information and resources for families.